We have obviously been caught up in the activities of the pregnancy and the time of season to post. That isn't really a good excuse, but I tried.
The ultrasound went great and everything measured how it should and right on track. And of course, the sex of the baby is still a big question mark. I have my suspicions but I will keep them to myself. Anne has all the pictures on a CD, so she will be (hopefully) putting them up along with the post for you all to see.
Every appointment since then has been great news, except for one. The doctor sent me for another 3-hour glucose test and I did not pass this one. But it now has more to do with the pregnancy than if I'd had it at 15 weeks pregnant. This means it should probably go away when I deliver the baby.
For now we are able to control this with diet. I met with a dietician (as if I know nothing about diabetes) and they set me up with a food plan which contained how many carbs I could have at each meal and snack. They told me my numbers had to stay below certain numbers. It hasn't been too bad, but I do miss some things. Like pop. I know I'm better off without it anyway, but I really love an ice cold fountain coke. I also miss my cereal in the morning. I am a cold breakfast kinda gal. But cereal has too many carbs for the morning. Along with fruit. I can't have any fruit in the morning. So eggs and yogurt has been my breakfast staple. What a pain to cook eggs every morning! And lattes. I miss lattes. They are a comfort thing mostly. When it's cold (like today) outside, a hot latte just hits the spot. Pray that we will be able to continue to control it with diet instead of taking medication.
My weight gain is great. It's the least amount I've had out of any of my pregnancies. I believe it's 12 pounds so far. And only two months to go! I've been having a lot of contractions, but nothing steady or constant. Anne really wants to hold out for a February baby, but I believe it will take place in January. Just call it a hunch, or at least a deep desire. :)
The Holidays will help time to pass quickly and easily. Before you know it the due date will be around the corner. I've done a lot of my Christmas shopping online, which definitely makes it easier! I did brave the black Friday sales. I ended up staying up all night which only worsened my already terrible cold. Let's not talk about that experience! It was fun but would have been better not pregnant and not sick. We made it to Iowa and back without any complications. Major traveling for the Holiday season is done, thank goodness.
We'll try not to let it go so long without an update. Anne will make her appearance on here one of these days. She needs to tell you about the preparations and nursery- and maybe even show some pictures! ;)
Thanks for hanging with us and for all of your prayers.
Until next time.